For the Orondo staff and student body,

Count your blessings, not your troubles

Today I stand before you with a full heart and so much gratitude. I can hardly find the words to tell you but I will try...

Often when we face challenges in our life we count our troubles, but I am going to tell you about my blessings.

Blessing 1. My husband Dan O’Connor, who many of you know. He has shown what love really means and stood by my side and helped me deal with all the challenges of cancer over the last 7 years. He has been with me through 3 brain surgeries. I have had approximately 29 MRI tests, and radiation and chemotherapy — he has been by my side through all of it. Not to mention creating my website and blog - Living with a Brain Tumor. He was even there by my side for my first year of teaching!

Blessing 2. My son Cameron, who was a junior in high school when I was diagnosed with cancer and he is now a senior in college. I am so blessed to be his mom.

Blessing 3. My parents, who were my first teachers. They have taught me compassion and to believe in myself, and how important attitude is. Both of them were college graduates and then teachers — they showed me the value of an education.

Blessing 4. My brother Eric and his family, who have been very important in my life.

Blessing 5. Friends. During times of great difficulty you really find out who your friends are... and I have many.

Blessing 6. Most importantly today — I want to say how blessed I am to have seen the true heart of this school. It has the biggest heart of any school anywhere! You students have proven that kids do care about those in need and that each of you can make a difference. I feel so grateful to you for selling the bracelets. And I am so honored to have been your teacher.

Blessing 7. I have been blessed to know the Orondo community, Millie Watkins, school board members, teachers and staff over the last 17 years that I have taught here. This school is a special place!

Many of you have read or heard about my journey with cancer and I have tried to share it openly in hopes that by sharing it will help one of you or someone you know or meet who might be facing a difficult challenge in their life. It is important to share our stories with one another so we can help ease someone else’s pain, and let them know that they are not alone.

My last blessing is one for you. May you be blessed with the strength to face the hard things in your future. I have had so many good things happen to me because of being diagnosed with a brain tumor. Like the sign says in Mrs. Roy’s room — I can do hard things. You can too.

So I hope that in the future when you have to face your own challenges you will be blessed with the strength, faith, courage, hope and all those words that you are wearing on your wrist today. And that you too will be able to count your blessings, not your troubles.

Thank you Orondo students, teachers, staff, Mrs. Watkins, parents, school board, and community members. Dan and I would like to present you with this special certificate to thank you for all your love and support. It says...

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